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Fashion Designing
Fashion design is the applied art devoted to the designing of clothing and lifestyle accessories. This art is influenced by cultural and social attitudes and has evolved over time and place. Fashion designing has come a long way from the designer clothes worn by the royalty of the ancient world to the haute couture products of the present.

Fashion designing is one of the most lucrative, appealing, glamorous and exciting career options in today's world, If you have a penchant for creativity, style and originality, a career in fashion designing is the one tailor made for you. On one hand, the fashion industry satisfies both the creative fancies and the materialistic needs of the people. On the other hand. it promises glamour. fame, success and a high pay package to the talented people.

In India. the fashion industry has just begun to come of age, as it is still in its fledgling stage. This industry offers plenty of opportunities for talented hard working and enthusiastic people. Prospects for fashion design graduates are pretty good thanks to the huge and still growing demand for "designer wear" and the equally out sized quantity of exports

After successful completion of the course, you can remain self-employed. Alternatively. several export houses, garment store chains, textile mills, leather companies, boutiques, fashion show organizers, jewelry houses and media houses recruit professionals interested in a career in fashion designing.